Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu: Mao Hen cover
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Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu: Mao Hen

Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu: Mao Hen - Secret Hot Spring Tour Hidden Bath: Mao Chapter - 秘湯めぐり 隠れ湯 舞桜編

Based on the erotic game Zoku Hitou Meguri by Riddle Soft.

Mao, who has a secret crush on Mikio, makes up her mind and invites him to go on a trip. The invitation gets accepted, and at the thought of the trip just for the two she feels elated. Mikio falls asleep right after installing himself in a seat opposite Mao in the train, helplessly spoiling the sport. She expands her expectations looking forward to upcoming events, though his seeming lack of interest dampens her ardor a bit. Despite her hopeful view, however, it turns out that her passion for Mikio only ends up arousing the sexual desire of a man that appears unexpectedly…

[Full color 70 pages] The first night I spent with an unwanted man … That casts a dark shadow on the heart of Maizakura. Mikio is worried about the state of illness, but Maizakura repairs the place so as not to worry. Mikio goes out and Maizakura is alone. A hand wandering around the buttocks of Maizakura as if they were looking for it. He tries to hold down his hands to pay for the disgusting memories of last night. However, the hand that tried to control the nasty movement was only entangled with the fingers …


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