Seikatsu Shuukan cover
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Seikatsu Shuukan

Seikatsu Shuukan The Animation - 性活週間 THE ANIMATION - 성활주간

«Wanna be my little brother?»

It’s the first ova to come from Michingu’s works! The person making it happen is Ohara Kazuhiro who brought us hit series such as «Nudist Beach ni Shuugakuryokou De?» and «Real Eroge Situation»!

Work content
The first book of Messingo beautiful girl masterMichiking appeared!!
Girls who are worried about men’s H gaze start secret activities with teachers to withstand sexual stimulation!
From the black-haired beautiful girl to the high-handed student council president, the school life series « Abstinence Club » full of Kawa erotic heroine

The younger brother who is oppressed by his sisters is a youngster child by the amazing function of the new sister game!
youngster Harem serialized «Sister experience week»

In addition to the two popular series in «Comic Grape», an extra edition drawn from «Sister Experience Week» is also included
The long-awaited 1st work collection!

* Ad pages may be deleted, so the number of pages may differ from this magazine

mecha stamp Beautiful Girl master, the michikinguno’s first Single Volume
«Be school excursions in clothing optional beach!» «Re-Allouez Rogge Situation»
Young and spirited creator of the Adult Anime world which dealt with very popular Series
OVA long-awaited by «Kazuhiro Ohara!»

Do not experience Elderly Sister with me?


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