Stringendo and Accelerando Ultimatum cover
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Stringendo and Accelerando Ultimatum

Stringendo & Accelerando Ultimatum Sera - ストリンジェンド&アッチェレランド ULTIMATUM~SERA~

School is a place for learning and gaining knowledge for the sake of the future but very few know of what happens between couples/students behind the scenes which could be considered learning but in a more intimate way.

Mizuho stays after school to teach some students some equations, but that is not all there is to it. She also invites her boyfriend, Tomohisa, for some excitement. While giving those students the lesson, she is also giving Tomohisa a handjob; she even goes as far as to giving him a blowjob right then and there.

After all that hot action going on, Mizuho invites Tomohisa to her house to continue their good time together…


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